Today was a busy experience. Incredibly exhausting. Walked over 25000
steps and got three piercings done. Making big moves.
This poem was one of three that I wrote for something called
Industrial Lunch. I can't rememember what Industrial Lunch was... but
this poem survived
That forlorn figure sunken deep,
off the shores of our hearth and home.
Lurking within sight, without shadow,
but still out of mind and out of heart.
A noble creature perhaps, that carried
the weak and frail away to safer haven.
Mayhaps it is the villain that lies buried,
carrying alongside it its illicit weight.
An identity left unknown to all,
a question left unthought and unasked.
Out of mind and out of heart,
A dead tongue asks not to be heard.
A cracked and creaking casket lies
there where no one wishes to seek it.
No flowers mar this unmarked grave.
None are left that care to remember.